Harold Willig
Mar 25, 2020
Why Build-To-Rent Is Getting Multifamily Investors' Attention
A recent Forbes opinion piece foresees a future of entire neighborhoods filled with nothing but build-to-rent single-family homes....

Harold Willig
Mar 24, 2020
Chicago Investors Target 750 Million For “Opportunity Zones”
Chicago real estate investor Larry Levy and a pair of Chicago private-equity firm veterans are betting on opportunity zones after...

Harold Willig
Mar 17, 2020
Amazon Plans Distribution Centers In Downers Grove and Palatine
Hooray for Jeff Bezos! Amazon has cut deals for new warehouses in Downers Grove and Palatine… with more to come. No word yet on how many...

Harold Willig
Mar 16, 2020
No Rent Break Despite a Slew of New Downtown Chicago Apartments by 2022
By 2022, it’s expected that at least 10,000 new apartments will be available for rent in Downtown Chicago. But despite this, prospective...

Harold Willig
Mar 10, 2020
Nine Scenic Drives in Chicago’s South and Southwest Suburbs
Need a getaway from the hectic pace of Chicago proper? Well, luckily for you, the south and southwest suburbs offer a slew of peaceful...

Harold Willig
Mar 9, 2020
Downtown Chicago’s Old Row Houses to be Saved
Good news for Chicago’s love of history! Last month, Chicago’s Commission on Landmarks made a recommendation to create a new Near North...

Harold Willig
Mar 7, 2020
Coronavirus and the Housing Market: Dangers Loom
The headlines frightening as Coronavirus spreads across the world and to the U.S. Already, the virus is wreaking havoc on the Chinese...

Harold Willig
Mar 6, 2020
SpringView Realizes Gains in Memphis Portfolio
We are happy to announce that in December 2019, SpringView Investments, (SpringView Investments TN I LLC) sold another of its Memphis,...

Harold Willig
Mar 1, 2020
Why Suburban Housing Markets Were So Strong in 2019
A recent article in Crain’s reports that Chicago suburbs were a major driver of home sales in 2019. But the strongest suburban markets...